“I have no idea what I want to do with my life.”
“I don’t know what field to choose.”
“I’ve narrowed it down to a couple career options, but I’m having a hard time choosing between them.”
“I want to know what kinds of jobs I can get with my field of study.”
“I want to study abroad but I don't have the funds"
We help you answer these questions in a methodical way. The founder Mr. Suman Prasad is a certified counselor from University of California (Extension) and fully adept in knowledge of both domestic and overseas career opportunities. At the core of company are two primary goals - Provide quality service and make college affordable.
We use scientifically proven methods like psychometric analysis. Psychometrics is a field of study concerned with the theory and technique of psychological measurement. There are two separate types of test: one that assesses personality or character traits – are you dominant, anxious or driven, for example? Another longer, harder test assesses how good you are at things – words, numbers, problem-solving or spatial awareness.
Call us today and see how we can help you choose the best fit career.